
  • ABA Therapy: Can It Really Help?

    ABA Therapy: Can It Really Help?

    Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy, first mentioned in the 1960th, is considered to be a cornerstone in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) by some specialists. However not all psychologists and neurologists share this opinion. In this article the team of our experts explores the effectiveness, methodology, and ongoing debates surrounding ABA therapy, so that to provide insights for parents and educators. What…

  • Bad Mood or Depression: Symptoms of Mental Disorder

    Bad Mood or Depression: Symptoms of Mental Disorder

    In our daily life, full of stress and a full range of emotions, it’s absolutely normal to reach the bottom from time to time and be in a blue mood. However, it is crucial for mental health to differentiate between melancholy and depression, which has nothing to do with a bad mood. Let us define the characteristics of a transient feeling…

  • Top 10 Best Meals for Fitness

    Top 10 Best Meals for Fitness

    Trying to achieve your fitness goals, don’t forget about proper nutrition, which is as important as exercising. A well-balanced fitness diet provides your body with full range of nutrients, necessary to build muscles, burn fat and sustaining energy level. Forget about fitfood delivery, here are the top 10 easy-to-cook fitness meals to keep you on…

  • Jogging in Cold Weather: What You Need to Know

    Jogging in Cold Weather: What You Need to Know

    Jogging lovers can’t be stopped by cold weather! Feeling the crisp air, enjoying quiet snowy landscapes make it even more fun than in summer. However, cold-weather jogging is quite a challenge, and it requires some preparation to ensure safety and efficiency. In this article you will get essential tips for adepts of running. Understanding the Cold When temperatures drop, your body has to work harder to maintain its normaltemperature. So there is a risk of hypothermia and…

  • Smooth Recovery: Essentials of an Exceptional Rehab Facility

    Smooth Recovery: Essentials of an Exceptional Rehab Facility

    Finding the perfect rehabilitation center is a key-factor to successful recovery. However, with numerous options available, the process of seeking for a proper center to suit you or your beloved one might turn into a nightmare. What factors to consider so that to choose the best one? Here are five top features to mind when selecting a rehab center that can…

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